Pomona is a brand name of a low methoxyl pectin. Instead of needing sugar and acid to cause a gel reaction, it needs calcium. (See No Sugar Needed Pectins.)
The company is located in Washington State, USA. The product is actually made for them in Denmark.
Most other “no-sugar-needed pectins” contain other ingredients in addition to the pectin. For instance, Ball and Bernardin’s “No sugar needed” pectin contain added sugar in the form of dextrose, and have citric acid to them. Pomona instead is 100% pure citrus pectin extracted from the dried peel of lemon, lime, and orange. It’s kosher certified at the factory. It’s also vegan, gluten free, and GMO free, though it’s not certified organic at this time.
In addition, most other “no-sugar-needed pectins” only provide a very small handful of recipes, and warn you against deviating from the recipe, adjusting the recipe in quantity, or making up your own recipes. In contrast, Pomona provides hundreds and hundreds of recipes, allows you to scale batch sizes up or down, and gives you guidelines (in terms of both success and safety) for going “off-recipe” and making your own recipe.
Note as well that Pomona’s pectin can’t dissolve properly in a high-sugar environment. So if you do choose to use sugar with Pomona, which you may, you need to add Pomona to the recipe first before the sugar goes in.
The box contains a large packet of pectin, a small packet of calcium powder, and a small leaflet of directions.
A 30 g (1 oz) box will do several batches of jam, making anywhere from 8 to 16 x ¼ litre (250 ml / 1 cup / 8 oz) jars, depending on the fruit or recipe. For jelly, you’ll get about half that number of jars, because it doesn’t have the volume of the mashed fruit in it.
You can also order Pomona pectin in bulk: in 225 g and 450 g (½ lb and pound) bags.
More Features:
- Jells with low amounts of any sweetener
- Item Package Length: 4.064cm
- Item Package Width: 11.43cm
- Item Package Height: 18.034cm